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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Colon Cleansing and Weight Loss - Can Colon Cleansing Really Help You Lose Weight?

Colon cleansing has now become a form of alternative medicine with its sheer popularity. The connection between colon cleansing and weight loss has been long established. In fact, many people do a colon cleanse with only two objectives in mind: losing weight and losing weight fast.

Colon cleansing is now commonly used as alternatives to weight loss programs. It allows weight lost through the removal of waste materials that have accumulated in the walls of the intestines. It is done through a strict diet along with other detoxification processes.

This is not a weight loss regimen. It is used as a method that helps improve health in general, with weight loss being one of its measurable effects. You can lose anywhere from five to ten pounds of weight through a colon cleanse, although people have been reported to lose as much as 60 pounds through colon cleansing alone.

This should be done according to the specific instructions for consumption. This is very important if you want the entire program to be effective. Most colon cleansing programs also require you to strictly follow a prescribed diet, which often involves high fiber diet or fasting. There are liquid-based colon cleansing regimen that requires that you consume nothing but liquid or juice itself for a certain period - usually from seven to ten days. There are colon cleansing products that come in pill form which will require you to intake only natural, organic raw foods such as fruits and vegetables. If you want to lose weight and obtain the best results, complying with the recommended diet and eating patterns is very important.

This process has been proven to help in rapid weight loss without adverse side effects. Depending on how receptive your body is to the treatment, and how you strictly follow the imposed instructions, you are bound to lose as much as 2 pounds or even more per day. Note though that this weight loss is not permanent. If you want the results to last long-term, you will need to top off the regimen with a commitment towards a lifestyle change. A new lifestyle which incorporates health eating habits and proper exercise is ideal. At the very least, avoid eating tempting junk food, foods with high sugar content and processed foods or else you will only undo all the benefits that the detox process has done for you.

For More Related Topics Blog: Lose Weight Fast And Healthy

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